A film about Andrew Weaver’s surprising and historic first election campaign in 2013 as he breaks through BC’s two-party stronghold to become our first Green MLA (followed in the next election by MLAs Adam Olsen and our current party leader, Sonia Furstenau). Fearing that BC’s climate leadership would fall by the wayside (which it did) Weaver decides to run for a party that had never won a seat in its 30 year history.
The film also explores how far scientists will go to warn of the dangers of runaway climate change, including SFU biologist Lynne Quarmby and former NASA climate scientist James Hansen, who was arrested outside the White House in 2011 protesting the Keystone XL pipeline from the Alberta tarsands. With science leading the way, Running on Climate highlights people acting locally to help prevent a global catastrophe.

This film is no longer available online.